Tuesday, May 31, 2016


I alluded to judgment in my post from yesterday but I want to go more in depth today.  If any of my clients are reading this, they will say "I know, I know" since I talk about his subject often.  I educate my clients on the detriments of judgment because I feel that it can affect the quality of our lives.

Let's face it, we all judge; the goal is to be mindful enough to catch ourselves and reframe and have empathy.   I find that the more we judge, the more we fear judgment.  We all like to think that others think as we do and when they don't we say, "Why don't they think like me???"  So if we think that others think like us and we are judgmental, then we may tend to assume that others are also judging us!  I also see a correlation between judgment and self judgment.

So, in other words, judgment is not beneficial; sometimes it leads to holding grudges and you know what they say about that!  ("Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.") The other person is usually not affected and we end up being poisoned.  This leads us to forgiveness which is another whole ball of wax!

Perhaps I'll tackle forgiveness tomorrow.

Namaste (The light in me loves the light in you)

Monday, May 30, 2016

A Paradigm Shift

From what I hear, read and feel, there seems to be a paradigm shift going on. Those of you that watch fear based news shows may not agree. Those shows appear to be financially backed by those that want to keep us too fearful to think clearly and notice what they are doing "behind the curtain."

The shift I'm alluding to is kindness, empathy, forgiveness and non judgmental ideation. More and more of this planet's inhabitants are realizing that we are all doing the best we can with what we've experienced thus far. This is not an excuse but a reason for behavior that we don't like.

I have realized that the fine line between judgment and acknowledging what you don't like is empathy. When we understand what we don't like without demonizing the person exhibiting the unwanted behavior, we are using empathy and mindfulness. This, to me, is preferable to taking things personally and assuming others' motivations.

What do you think?