Sunday, July 14, 2024

 INTENTION MATTERS; Is it Your "Gut" Feeling or a "Trauma Response?"

By Lisa Tetreault, LMHC

As I've discussed in a previous blog we all have buttons from our childhoods.  If we were disrespected or bullied, we may automatically interpret innocent interactions as malicious.  When our buttons are pushed, the amygdala gets going which shuts down our prefrontal cortex and inhibits our access to our critical thinking skills.  So what can be done?  It is our responsibility to catch these triggers as soon as possible and shut down the interaction to allow for self soothing and a calm assessment of what went down.  

This is where the all important "intention" comes into play.  If someone who normally has your best interest at heart suddenly appears to be coming across as hurtful, this could be a case of misunderstanding; this is when inquiring re their intention could clear things up,  The challenge is this:  If you mistake your trauma response for your gut feelings, you may have difficulty making an objective assessment.  EFT Tapping can soothe the amygdala to make this possible.  Using coping strategies to self soothe can save you from accusing a trusted friend or family member of trying to hurt you.  Once you are calm and introspective, you can trust your judgment again.  

Does it make sense that someone who continually has your back all of a sudden has ill will against you?  The answer is you may have misinterpreted their intention.  There is, of course, a difference between a mean joke and playful teasing but it's more difficult to assess when you're triggered.  Hang up the phone or walk away from the interaction and take that time/space to be honest with yourself.  Your inner guidance will show you the way.

For more information on EFT Tapping, follow my YouTube channel at

Happy Tapping!