Sunday, October 16, 2016


I've been listening to Abraham -Hicks a lot lately and at times I get frustrated with their recommendations for "Law of Attraction."  They intimate that the usual reactions to unwanted life situations are "conditional" life responses and that we are more in alignment when we react in an "unconditional," mindful way.  My interpretation of this is that when upsetting things happen, we are not supposed to get upset.  This seems like a pretty tall order for most human beings.  This is why positive thinking gets such a bad reputation.  It sounds more like denial and/or stuffing feelings which is not helpful.  It doesn't seem doable, logical or natural.

Well, it is not natural.  Most of us have not been taught to be so mindful that we can immediately go to our "Zen" place when life becomes challenging.  I think they need to give us permission to feel bad or temporarily freak out before taking our mindful step back.  For example, when tragedy strikes are we expected to react like a robot?  Are we discouraged from talking about unwanted things in a therapy session or grieving our losses when they occur?  Even Louise Hay understood the need for tapping on unwanted situations/feelings stating, "If you're cleaning the house, you need to see where the dirt is!"

It is therapeutic to process unwanted life experiences and respond to tragedy with appropriate sadness.  Sometimes, no matter what our spiritual beliefs are on death/dying, we miss the physical form of our deceased loved ones and feel sadness around their loss.  So, the question is "Can we focus on "contrast" or things we don't want/like without attracting more of the same?"  I'm guessing that there needs to be a happy medium.

I don't know what the appropriate time frame is since everyone grieves/responds to events differently and I would not "rate" anyone's progress on moving forward from an event.  As those of us who have read Kubler-Ross know, the steps of bereavement do not go in any sequential order; some days we go forward and sometimes we go back a bit.  It is not helpful to put guilt on mourners on top of their feelings of grief.

So my conclusion is this:  I understand that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, but sometimes it takes a bit longer to get to a place of, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Feeling bad about feeling bad is not beneficial; knowing how to "self-soothe" and trying to see a silver lining is.  Knowing how to reach out for help when needed and attempting to move into a more positive mind space eventually will begin the healing.  Being able to put things into perspective and not "sweating the small stuff," decreasing judgment of yourself and others and having gratitude will ultimately create a better quality of life.  This is called "allowing" more of what you want and like.

Wishing you an abundance of days in the vortex, in alignment and in the "receiving mode."


Thursday, October 6, 2016


I haven't written in a while but again, a common theme has arisen among my clients.  I've written about re-framing and concentrating on positives, but this takes it one step further.  The way you tell your "story" or the way you look at and describe your past, can make a big difference in the way you see yourself and your life in the present.  Many things happen to us in life that we would not choose for ourselves.  If we continuously ruminate about these unfortunate events and wear them like a "badge of honor, we can become "victimized" by them.

Re-writing your story is a very helpful tool to enable you to move forward; when telling someone about your unwanted past experiences, don't forget to include what you learned from the events and why your life is better for them.  The proverbial "silver lining" is inevitable.  As time goes by, you will realize that everything always works out.  I know this sounds kind of "Pollyanna-ish" but doesn't it? After the dust settles, life goes on and hopefully you will get past it and understand why it had to happen. Of course, therapy/counseling can facilitate this process.

I don't mean to sound callous for believe me, I have had my own unwanted past experiences including great loss and heartache.  But I can now see how it all has brought me to where I am today. If I continued to tell my sad story over and over again and lived in the past, I wouldn't have been able to move forward and pursue my life's purpose.

This goes for present scenarios as well; the way we interpret events will determine the quality of our lives and maybe steer its path!  If we can be mindful of what's happening and take a moment to take a step back long enough to to put things into perspective, it can be an "easier pill to swallow." By avoiding the victim role, we can retain hope for the future instead of the self fulfilling prophecy for more "bad luck."

These happenings that we don't like or want are meant as contrast; by experiencing them, we find out what it is that we do like and want, and send out our "rockets of desire" in an attempt to attract more positive situations.  The more we can maintain that "high flying" feeling of what we want, the easier it will be to manifest our dreams.

So please give yourselves permission to dream big and may all of your wishes come true.  I'm sending you safe and dry vibes during Hurricane Matthew.  Be well.  :)