I have mentioned the Law of Attraction in some of my blog entries. Whenever I hear experts give advice/instruction on how to use LOA successfully, I can't help but think about people who suffer with intrusive thoughts.
Many of my clients come in complaining that they have these absurd thoughts that come into their heads and cause much distress. Sometimes it's a "what if" type thought ie "What if something bad or catastrophic happens" when there is nothing indicating any chance of this scenario happening. Other intrusive thoughts can be the exact opposite of what the client is about ie fear of killing someone that they love, killing themselves but not really desiring this outcome, fear of doing something that they would never ever do.
These compulsive thoughts can be a symptom of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. But what if we are attracting things by our thoughts? If we continuously worry about something will it come true? Then we can say "see, I told you!" and have it manifest as a self fulfilling prophecy? What is the cause of this and what can be done?
As I've mentioned before, we all have difficulty changing thought patterns and habits. Evidently, when our brains are "looping" in the same pattern, it is because our synapses are becoming "addicted" to that pattern. This is why it's so challenging to change a habit/pattern of thought/behavior. I believe that people with intrusive thoughts and OCD may start out with these patterns due to anxiety and then they become more and more prevalent as the synapses enjoy the consistency of these thoughts and behaviors.
I have created a coping method for any intrusive thoughts or patterns/habits that you want to change. I will name it the "Shut Up Mantra." I have a couple of clients that have named their's, "Harry,"
Whenever they have an unwanted, intrusive thought, they say, "Shut up, Harry!" This not only makes them laugh but also reminds them to change their thinking right away.
So whenever your inner voice says, "What if the house burns down while I'm at work," or "Check the lock again (for the 5th time), or "What if I die today," ETC, just say "Shut up, (choose a name)_______!" Then immediately go to a positive thought or behavior to distract yourself from the unwanted thought. Your synapses will eventually give up on that pattern and your brain will begin to loop in a positive direction instead of the old negative way.
Let me know if this S.U.M.helps anyone!
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