Thursday, June 16, 2016

Blogging, Flow and Inner Dialog

Ok, don't laugh (you can laugh; I won't know) but I didn't realize that I had to choose my blog settings to allow comments.  Duh!  No wonder you guys aren't responding!  I'm getting all of this traffic and no one had commented on what I was writing.  Ok, so now you know what a rookie I am to this blogging.

So why is a rookie blogger writing on Blogspot?  Well, it's kind of selfish.  I feel so good when I help others feel good, that I wanted to reach out to as many people as possible.  Also, I believe that if you feel good and you love yourself, you won't want to hurt anyone.  If everyone on the planet felt good and loved themselves, it would be the prescription for world peace! (Sorry, I was a Hippie in the '70's)

But where do I come up with all of this positive psychology psychobabble?  I'm not sure.  I read a lot of different books and articles and use these ideas with my clients who seem to benefit greatly from them. They appear to progress faster once they retrain their brains to use the power of positive thinking. Once I get writing, I think I enter a state of "Flow."  I get into the "zone" and it comes pouring out! This is the Wikipedia definition of Flow:


In positive psychology, flow, also known as the zone, is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by complete absorption in what one does.

Today, I just want to talk about the voice in your head.  No, not like in an auditory hallucination but that inner dialog that we all have.  The running commentary that is critiquing everything you do and say.  I touched on this in my recent blogs on Happiness and Gratitude but I want to drive this point home again.
Many people do not even realize it is there; they are usually the people that have heard it before and don't want to hear the negativity again so they don't take the time to sit still and listen anymore.  It's important to your self esteem and happiness to catch yourself when you're going negative in your head.  Being mindful of what you're thinking will give you more insight into why you feel stuck, dissatisfied, have panic attacks or just feel "less than." 
Once you get good at noticing and catching it, the next step is to turn it around.  Like the "Triumphing and Transitioning" in my BLT method (see previous blogs), you need to work on getting good at going positive. If you're going to think about the "What ifs," instead of thinking of the worst case scenarios, why not think about "What if this turns out awesome?" Neither of the "what ifs" are based in reality so why not think about what you want and what you like and what you hope for? 
 If Louise Hay is right, and your thoughts create your life, don't you want to know why your life is turning out the way it has?  I would recommend reading any of her books especially "You Can Heal Your Life."  She is the queen of positive affirmations and  you can find many of her videos on YouTube.
What are you thinking right now?  Please comment below.
Wishing you, love, light, and flow,

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