Yesterday, I promised to reveal the secret to happiness so I am here to keep that promise. Many people think they will be happy when they get that job, car, house, partner, etc but happiness continues to be elusive and the way to happiness seems to repeatedly be put off down the road.
Some people think if they move and start over elsewhere that they will finally be happy. Unfortunately, wherever you go, you bring yourself. If you are not happy "here," chances are you won't be happy "there." Happiness come from inside out, not the other way around.
The way you think creates your life; the way you interpret what is happening around you will have a direct effect on your mood or happiness. I spoke of self talk yesterday in my blog on self esteem and this is a big part of influencing how you feel about your life. Some people do not even realize that they have self talk or that it is negative. Some people run and run all day and night in an attempt to avoid being alone with their thoughts so they can just collapse in exhaustion by the end of the night. This is why they are not aware of any "self talk."
Why is self talk so important and what in the world is it? It's our running dialog usually in our heads although as I get older it is often spoken aloud. lol Let's face it, if you are constantly remarking on the things that you don't want and don't like and continually criticize yourself for your imperfections, you're bound to become sad and maybe eventually depressed. Sometimes that critical voice in your head is actually very similar to a hard to please parent. It's time to forgive yourself for being flawed; after all, it is your flaws that make you human and endear you to others. No one wants to eat lunch with the perfect person at work; we can't identify with them!
So please concentrate on what you like and what you want and what you hope for; the other stuff will be there whether you ruminate on it or not. You will still have to address those negative things but it is easier when you are in a more positive head space. So how does one get there? Oh yeah, I promised to tell you the secret to happiness! It's gratitude....
I would recommend that as soon as you wake up, go through your gratitude list in your head; think of all of the things that are positive in your life and the things that you are grateful for. This is a good time to allow yourself to feel your feelings and listen to your thoughts and get to know yourself again. You can call it meditation, mindfulness, or your happiness ritual but I believe you will have a better day and life.
Peace out!
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